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Search What and Where 

*1. (laundry bleach) If Positive, search in water. *2. (water softener) If Positive, search in water. *3.     (motor oil) If Positive, search in water.

*4. (wheel bearing grease) If Positive search in water and in CD4s, CD8s, CD14s.

*5. (asbestos) If Positive, search in water, house dust, food.

*6. (mixed heavy metals) If Positive, search in water, cookware, dentalware, supplements, foods.

*7. (mixed azo dyes) If Positive, search in water, supplements, food, drugs, enamel and plastic food containers, plastic teeth, toothbrush, etc. Search for Fast Red, Fast Green, Fast Garnet, Fast Blue, Fast Red Violet, DAB, Sudan Black B (find list of dyes on page 603).

*8. (malonic acid set) If Positive, search in water, cookware, dishes, utensils, food, dentalware.

*9. (north pole) If Negative,              search in water for polarization, in saliva for SCF, nickel, and Fe203.

*10. (south    pole)    If Positive,        search  in     water    for polarization, in saliva for SCF, nickel, and Fe304.

*11. (mercury, thallium) If Positive, search for amalgam in dentalware, mercury and thallium in glass and Teflon food containers, tampons, medicine, supplements.

*12. (gold) If Positive, search in dentalware, jewelry, glassware, and in ovaries, pancreas, hypothalamus. Search for HIV (in P24), prions, Salmonella.

*13. (uranium) If Positive, search for water softener salts in water, medicines, supplements.

*14. (copper) If Positive, search in water, water pipes, dentalware, cookware, supplements, and in liver.

*15. (cobalt) If Positive, search in water, cookware, supplements, dish detergent, and in heart, liver, WBC and critical organ. Check blood test for low LDH, alk phos.

*16. (chromium III & VI) If Positive, search in water, cookware, food, supplements, and for yeast, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus in lymph, SV 40.

*17. (germanium,          strontium)       If     Positive       for germanium, search for hypochlorite (chlorination treatment) in water, saliva. If Positive for strontium, search distilled water, malfunctioning filter. Search for Mycobacterium TB, M. avium/cellulare, Mycoplasma, Pseudomonas, CMV, Strep pneumoniae, Pneumocytis, Chaetomium, HIV (in reverse transcriptase), SV 40. Search in bone marrow, RBCs, B-cells, platelets, lungs, megakaryocytes. Search for CORN.

*18. (vanadium) If Positive, search in cookware, plastic teeth, house dust. Search for E. coli, Mycobacterium avium/cellulare, Flu, in saliva, lymph. Search for CORN.

*19. (selenium) If Positive, search in supplements (vitamin C), cookware.

*20. (nickel) If Positive, search in water, dentalware, jewelry, cookware, and for yeast, E. coli, Staphylococcus, HIV, Clostridium. Search at CD4, CD8, CD14 WBCs. Test polarization.

*21. (aluminum) If Positive, search in water, body products, food, cookware; and at throat, cerebrum, skin. *22. (lead) If Positive, search in water, drugs, supplements, and at liver, bone marrow, colon.

*23. (bromine) If Positive, search in breads, cereals, spices.

*24. (cadmium) If Positive, search in water, cookware, dentalware, supplements, drugs. Search at kidneys.

*25. (thulium) If Positive, search in water, vitamin C, supplements, drugs.

*26. (formaldehyde) If Positive, search in house dust, food. Also search for benzene in saliva.

*27. (arsenic, ruthenium) If Positive for arsenic, search in house dust. If Positive for ruthenium, search in distilled water, charcoal filters. Search for Salmonella ent., S. para; S. typhi. Search for S. ent. at pancreas. Search for prion.

*28. (methanol) If Positive, search in diet and at pancreas, eyes. Also search for benzene.

*29. (benzene) If Positive, search in water, foods, medicines, body products, supplements. Search for P24, reverse transcriptase.

*30. (PCBs) If Positive, search in water, foods, medicines, body products, supplements.

*31. (hypochlorite) If Positive, search in water and for germanium.

*32. (ferritin) If Positive, search for asbestos in water (see #5). Search for ferritin on/in WBCs.

*33. (Flu) If Positive, search for F. buski, Clostridium, salmonella, prion. Search for dyes, heavy metals in water, WBCs.

*34. (prion protein) If Positive, search for Salmonella. Search for PGE2, gold at lymph.

*35. (mumps) If Positive, search for casein and Ascaris larvae in parotid gland and lymph.

*36., *37., *38. (Salmonella ent., para, typhi.) If Positive, search for Salmonella ent. at pancreas, Salmonellas in WBC. If Negative here, search for dyes in WBC. Search for gold, molybdenum, ruthenium in lymph. Search for oncoviruses inside bacteria.

*39., *40. (Shigella) If Positive, search in food. Search for oncoviruses inside bacteria. Search at bronchioles. Search for manganese at bronchioles.

*41. (Staph aur) If Positive, search at breast, skin, and teeth (bone). Search for yeast, SRC, chromium, Strongyloides, Adenovirus. Search for pink skin.

*42. (Strep pneu) If Positive, search at pain location, at teeth. Search for chromium, formic acid, hemoglobin (bleeding), benzene.

*43. (Strep G) If Positive, search for Ascaris, chromium. Search at respiratory organs (lungs, trachea, larynx, bronchi).

*44. (Aspergillus) If Positive, search for chromium, cobalt, nickel in water, cookware, foods. Search at liver for Aspergillus, aflatoxin, bilirubin oxidase. Search blood for bilirubin, bilirubin oxidase.

*45. (Penicillium) If Positive, search for copper, aflatoxin, bilirubin at liver.

*46. (aflatoxin) If Positive, EMERGENCY! Search for aflatoxin, copper, chromium, cobalt, nickel at each of 10 liver locations. Do blood test for total bilirubin and evidence of liver failure.

*47. (E. coli) If Positive, search for vanadium, molybdenum, manganese, chromium, nickel, all oncoviruses, and for E. coli bacteria with oncovirus inside.

*48. (formic acid) If Positive, search for HGB (bleeding) at pain, tumor, and effusate locations. Search for benzene (see #29). Search for Streptococcus pneumoniae.

*49. (WC) If Positive, search for mumps, F. buski, Ascaris, casein.

*50. (SRC) If Positive, search for Strongyloides linolenic acid (oil), potato.

*51. (JUN) If Positive, search for Onchocerca, myristic, oleic, palmitic acid (oil), cinnamic acid antigen, corn.

*52., *53. (FOS, FOS / JUN) If Positive, search for Dirofilaria, lactose, oleic acid (oil), coumarin (antigen).

*54. (NEU) If Positive, search for Ascaris lumbricoides, Ascaris megalocephala, linolenic acid (oil).

*55. (RAS) If Positive, search for yeast, chromium, cobalt, nickel.

*56. (SV 40) If Positive, EMERGENCY! Search for gallic acid, pancreatic fluke, limonene, chromium, gold, strontium. Search for combinations of SV 40 with other oncoviruses and bacteria.

*57., *58. (CMV, EBV) If Positive, search at lungs for chromium, strontium, aluminum, malonic acid, Streptococcus G and its combinations with oncoviruses. Search for Strongyloides, lauric acid, linolenic acid, potato.

*59. (Hepatitis B) If Positive, search for Clonorchis, Clostridium botulinum, combinations of Hepatitis B with other oncoviruses and bacteria. Search for oats, carrot (umbelliferone). Search at liver and pituitary.

*60. (Adenovirus) If Positive, search for Ascaris, combinations of Adenovirus with other oncoviruses, bacteria and hypothalamus cells. Find metal requirements of carrier bacteria and for oncoviruses using subtraction method with Syncrometero. See text.

*61. (HGB) If Positive, signifies bleeding. Search for location of bleeding, Streptococcus pneu, formic acid, benzene, menadione, coumarin, ASA, dyes, and maleic anhydride.

*62. (C3) If Negative, search for PGE2 and food antigens. Search for combinations of C3 with food antigens. Search for F. buski.

*63. (SCF) If Positive, search for free hypothalamus cells, chlorogenic acid.

*64. (hypothalamus) If Positive, search for chlorogenic acid, Strongyloides, potato.

*65. (chlorogenic) If Positive, search for hypothalamus cells, Strongyloides, potato. Search food for chlorogenic acid.

*66. (HGH) If Positive, search for free pituitary cells, phloridzin, human liver fluke, oats

*67. (pituitary) If Positive, search for phloridzin, Clonorchis, oats. Search for combinations of pituitary cells with Flu, Adenovirus, CMV, EBV.

*68. (phloridzin) If Positive, search for free pituitary cells. Search in food.

*69. (tumor nucleus) If Positive, EMERGENCY! Search for chlorogenic, phloridzin, gallic acid, SV 40 virus, Strongyloides, Clonorchis, Eurytrema. Treat immediately. Retest in 3 days.

*70. (pancreas cells) If Positive, search for gallic acid, Eurytrema, limonene.

*71. (gallic) If Positive, search for SV 40, pancreatic fluke, free pancreas cells. Search in food.

*72. (OPT) If Positive, EMERGENCY! Search for OPT in suspected organs, also F. buski, isopropyl alcohol. Search for tumor nucleus.

*73. (tricalcium phosphate) If Positive, search for A. lumbricoides, A. megalocephala, vitamin D2, vitamin D3.

*74. (p53) If Positive, search for vanadium pentoxide (atomic absorption standard), azo dyes.

*75. (isopropyl alcohol) If Positive, search for Clostridium bacteria, OPT, Fasciolopsis cercariae, HCG.

*76. (Clostridium) If Positive, search for DNA, isopropyl alcohol. Search at colon, teeth, tumor.

*77. (F. buski) If Positive, search for OPT, Bacillus cereus, MYC, ONION, allyl methyl sulfide.

*78. (F. cercaria) If Positive, search for Bacillus cereus, ONION, allyl methyl sulfide, HCG.

*79. (CEA) If Positive, search for yeast, Onchocerca. *80. (Bacillus cereus) If Positive, search for F. buski, d­tyramine, d-thyroxine, d- tyrosine, d-phenylalanine.

*81. (HCG) If Positive, search for Fasciolopsis cercaria.

*82. (Yeast) If Positive, search for chromium, cobalt, nickel, CEA, asparagine, RAS. Search for red skin areas.

Search for Staphylococcus or Streptococci at breast, breast skin or teeth.

*83. (Fasciola) If Positive, search for lauric acid (lard), gluten, gliadin, beef, fibronectin.

*84. (Strongyloides) If Positive, search for linolenic acid (oil), potatoes, SRC, CMV, EBV.

*85. (Onchocerca) If Positive, search for JUN, JUN / FOS, liver growth factor. Search for cinnamic acid antigen, dilated veins and vein valves visible under skin, nodules under skin, myristic, oleic, palmitic acids (oil), corn. Search in non Hodgkin's tumors.

*86. (Dirofilaria) If Positive, search for FOS, FOS / JUN, liver growth factor, lactose, oleic acid (oil), coumarin antigen, purple patches (purpura). Search in Hodgkin's and abdominal tumors

*87. (Paragonimus) If Positive, search for lemon and limonene, zearalenone, benzene. Search for lung disease, Pneumocystis, EBV, CMV.

*88. (Clonorchis) If Positive, search for oats, Clostridium botulinum, free pituitary cells, phloridzin. Search at liver. Also search liver for Hepatitis B virus.

*89. (Eurytrema) If Positive, search for SV 40, gallic acid, lemon.

*90. (A. lumb) If Positive, search for quercitin, NEU, mumps, Adenovirus, cathepsin B, telomerase inhibitor II, linolenic acid.

*91. (A. megalo) If Positive, search for d-carnitine, NEU, laminin, telomerase inhibitor II, cadherin E.

*92. (RRase) If Positive, search for duration of RRase, thiourea, DNA, bcl-2 in minutes and seconds. Search for yeast.

*93., *94. (DNA, DNA polymerase) If Positive, search for Clostridium. Search for bcl-2, RRase, thiourea (check time of duration for each).

*95. (fibronectin) If Positive, search for Fasciola.

*96., *97.   (cadherin E, laminin) If Positive, search for F. buski, Ascaris megalocephala.

*98. (PGE2) If Positive, search for food antigens, F. buski, Bacillus cereus; d-tyramine.

*99. (PS) If Negative, search for caspase-1, telomerase inhibitor II, cathepsin B, ubiquitin. All four must be Positive for apoptosis to proceed. Search for parasites, yeast, CEA, HCG, HGH, SCF.

*100. (cytochrome C) If Negative, search for PS, caspase-1, telomerase inhibitor II, cathepsin B, ubiquitin.

*101.   (ubiquitin) If Negative, search for Onchocerca.

*102.   (caspase-1) If Negative, search for yeast, CEA.

*103.   (cathepsin B) If Negative, search for Ascaris lumbricoides, Fasciola, Onchocerca.

*104.   (telomerase inhibitor 11) If Negative, search for A. lumbricoides and A. megalo, yeast, Onchocerca.

*105.   (lipase-pancreatin)     If     Negative,     search     for cathepsin B.

*106.   (tumor cells in CD8 cells) If Negative, search at CD8 cells for nickel, wheel bearing grease.

*107. (tumor cells in CD14 cells) If Negative, search at CD 14 cells for nickel, wheel bearing grease.

(from: “The Prevention of all Cancers”, pages 278-285; Copyright notice)

Syncrometer testing
by successteam

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